These 7 Yoga Poses Will Help You Relax (Even If You’re Really, Really Stressed)

These 7 Yoga Poses Will Help You Relax (Even If You’re Really, Really Stressed)

If you’re notoriously bad at relaxing, these calming poses will help you release *everything.*

You walk into your yoga class brimming with stress and anxiety. You’re mad at the world. And then, suddenly, after an hour in class, you leave feeling a little less cynical—and a little less stressed. Why?

The Benefits of Relaxation

Of course, you probably already know that relaxation is good for you. But its benefits go well beyond soothing stress and anxiety and allowing you space to rest and recover. Relaxation can positively impact your physical and mental health, and prime you for busy days ahead. Here are some of the noted benefits of consistent relaxation:

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Slowing your heart rate and breathing
  • Improving digestion
  • Easing muscle pain and soreness
  • Reducing chronic pain
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Improving sleep duration and quality
  • Increasing overall feelings of emotional and physical well-being

Why Yoga Helps with Relaxation

Yoga helps relieve stress and anxiety by turning on your body’s relaxation state. At a cellular level, this state occurs through activating the parasympathetic nervous system. The slow, mindful breathing that’s integral to your yoga practice serves as the catalyst for activating this system. Additionally, when activated, the parasympathetic nervous system sends signals to your heart and nerves, telling them to relax. Suddenly, your whole body is in a state of relaxation. Revel in it!

7 Yoga Poses for Relaxation

Take any (or all!) of these poses whenever you want to feel more ease in your body and mind.

1. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

This pose promotes relaxation throughout your entire body, from calming your brain to releasing tension in your back. When you move into this Seated Forward Bend, you may or may not be able to touch your feet. If that isn’t happening for you, rest your hands on your shins or wrap a strap around both feet and loosely hold either end of it.

Yoga teachers Elizabeth Winter and Barbara Benagh advise that you completely surrender to this pose rather than actively force the stretch. They suggest releasing your belly toward your upper legs, which may require the use of additional props, such as resting a bolster or a couple pillows on your thighs.  Also, take note if you’re gripping with your hands or tensing your upper body. These subtle yet important adjustments will allow you to relax more easily.

2. Squat (Malasana)

Is your mental and emotional stress turning into physical tension? Release it through Squat. This pose stretches your hips, eases back pain, and releases your chest, allowing you to open your body and move into a state of relaxation.

Yoga teacher Abbie Mood says that according to yoga tradition, this grounding pose is particularly helpful for those experiencing anxiety, as it draws your energy downward. This recalibration can help you to slow those racing thoughts, making it an ideal yoga pose for relaxation. For additional support, sit on a couple blocks or place a few pillows underneath your sit bones.

3. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

You may elect to return to this pose frequently during your practice—and, let’s be honest, during your day—as it often serves as a “home base.” There’s a reason for that. Child’s Pose can help relieve stress, fatigue, as well as physical pain in your back and hips.

Yoga teacher Sarah Herrington explains that one of the reasons why Child’s Pose feels so relaxing is its ability to stretch the muscles alongside the backside of your body—the ones that become tense easily. And if Child’s Pose doesn’t feel relaxing to you? Add props to make it more comfortable. You can bring your forehead to a block, place a rolled blanket or towel beneath the backs of your thighs, or rest your chest on a bolster, pillows, or a block.

4. Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

Move into this pose and you’ll immediately sigh with relief. Legs Up the Wall is a great way to release tension, ease stress, and help you unwind. If you’re trying to find relaxation before heading to bed, practice this pose to prepare your physical body (and your mind) for a peaceful night of sleep.

Yoga teacher Cyndi Lee says this posture helps boost blood circulation through your head and upper body, allowing you to feel realigned after hours of sitting or standing. She adds that in addition to promoting relaxation, this pose can help soothe back pain. Let your legs be supported by the wall rather than feel like you have to hold them in place.

5. Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

You may be familiar with Easy Pose as a common meditation posture. However, it’s also a great yoga pose for relaxation. This pose simultaneously activates your body’s relaxation response (your parasympathetic nervous system) and deactivates your stress response (sympathetic nervous system), making it a calm-inducing posture.

Yoga teacher Ingrid Sturgis suggests adding a bolster or cushion under your seat in this posture to ground your hips. Make sure to focus on your breath. Sturgis advises moving through a breath pattern consisting of a breath in for four counts and a breath out for six counts, although any form of breathwork that’s relaxing to you, including  simply slowing your breath, will help.

6. Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

This pose opens up your entire upper body—giving you the space to release unwanted tension and (finally!) relax. Not ready to move into the full posture? No problem. Add blankets and blocks to this backbend to make it work for your body’s needs. For instance, you can place a rolled up blanket or towel underneath your upper back (as shown above) and a block underneath your head. If you experience lower back tightness, bend your knees and plant your feet on the mat.

Yoga teacher Jillian Pransky says that as a chest-opening posture, Fish Pose gives you space to breathe—and expand through your heart center. If you’re feeling particularly stressed or tense, this pose will enable you to feel free and relaxed, giving you the physical and emotional space your body craves.

7. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Move into the ultimate state of relaxation in Corpse Pose. This posture allows you to let go—easing the physical tension and mental stress you’re holding onto throughout your entire body. You’ll calm (and quiet) your brain and move into a place focused on your breath…and nothing else.

Yoga teacher Abbie Mood says in this pose, it’s necessary for your body to be in a neutral position. She advises making sure your legs and feet are evenly angled, and that your lower back is relaxed. Placing a rolled blanket underneath your knees can facilitate that. Although this restorative pose can allow you to completely release physically, sometimes the racing thoughts continue. If this happens, bring your awareness back to the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe.

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