Beware! 5 Ultra-Processed Foods You May Mistake As Not Ultra-Processed

Beware! 5 Ultra-Processed Foods You May Mistake As Not Ultra-Processed

Widely Known Healthy Foods Which Are Also Ultra-Processed

What defines foods as ultra-processed? Foods that are processed in machines in order to refine them, clean them and produce them from its natural to its finished product can be defined as ultra-processed foods. Some foods undergo multiple levels of processing which can take all its nutrients away. While, other food may be processed less but are still made with added flavors, sugar and other artificial substances which makes them equally unhealthy.


Store bought yoghurts are processed and contain many added flavours in them. Your best and healthiest bet is to not buy the frozen yoghurts but to either go for curd packets or make your yoghurt at home.

Instant Oats

Your regular every day oats were considered as healthy, nutritious and fill of vitamins and fibre. However, they are also processed and refined in factories before being sold as the finished product. The reason why they are called instant oats is because they too contain sugars, artificial flavours, and preservatives.

Multi-Grain Bread Or Brown Bread

You may think that the multi-grain loaf of bread or the brown bread that you eat is authentic and not processed but you are wrong. More often than not, the mass produced breads are laden with refined oil, refined flour, artificial additives and emulsifiers all three of which are unhealthy.

Baby Foods

Experts have warned parents time and again stating that many baby foods also contains added sugars, flavors and preservatives to enhance the taste of the food and also to increase its shelf-life. But, these foods are extremely unhealthy for babies. It is better if you feed them homemade foods.

Low-Fat Milk

Not drinking milk is better than drinking store-bought skimmed milk. Skimmed milk also known as low-fat milk is an ultra-processed product which contain very little benefits of milk. Lactose free milk is a good option if you are intolerant but if you want the best benefits of milk you should either drink pure milk with cream or go for soy milk or oat milk.

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