Refresh your workout routine

Spruce up your workout routine with these practices suggested by three city-based fitness coaches

Achieving fitness goals that were set at the start of the year for a healthier lifestyle can feel like a task after a few months of the same fitness regimen. An exercise routine can seem monotonous after a while, leaving you uninspired. The best way to get out of a workout rut is to try something new. Three fitness coaches from Delhi-NCR suggest alternative fitness practices that will help you get in shape while having fun.

Work out with grace

Pole dancing for fitness has long been ignored in India owing to the stigma associated with the dance form. However, fitness blogger Radhika Bose (@yogasini on Instagram) suggests that one can take up this practice as it is beneficial as a core workout. The activity, Bose believes, can also help one build a strong metabolism and flexibility. “It is great for core strengthening and core stability. You are literally lifting your entire body only with your upper body. It helps with muscle building,” she says. Beginners must only commence the practice under the supervision of an expert. “Pole dancing looks very exotic but it is very technical. One needs strong core strength so a teacher would be able to guide you how to lift yourself, twirl, etc.,” concludes the Chittaranjan Park resident.

Bounce and stay fit

Author and holistic fitness coach Vesna Pericevic Jacob (@vesnasaltacelo on Instagram)—founder of Vesna’s alta Celo—tells us about bungee workouts that can be done indoors to help one make exploring movements easily while having fun. In this workout, bungee cords are suspended from the ceiling and cinched at the waist. These cords keep pulling an individual up as they indulge in a series of exercises meant to help strengthen the core. Calling this form of exercise “interesting”, the South Delhi-resident mentions that with such the trapeze bungee, one is in a position to try more elaborate workouts while also experimenting with jumps. There are many safety concerns attached with this practice too. Hence, Jacob suggests that one learn from a certified trainer before trying this out.

Level up your training

Animal Flow is a unique fitness style that combines techniques from Yoga, break-dancing, and meditation to help one build strength and endurance. Joel Pinto (@joelpinto on Instagram), co-founder of city-based personal training space, Knox Studio suggests that enthusiasts take to the floor and give this ground-based, bodyweight movement a chance. “It can be understood as a chain of movements bound together. It gives you a lot of mobility and flexibility,” shares the Lajpat Nagar resident. While there are various fitness academies in the city that teach animal flow, Pinto mentions that one can also refer to online courses and classes to familiarise themselves with the practice. “There are people who can pick it up from YouTube as well but it may not be as easy as it is for some people because everyone has their own weaknesses and strengths, and to move around those becomes easier if there is a coach around.”

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