Is Positive Thinking Powerful, or a Facade?

Is Positive Thinking Powerful, or a Facade?

To ‘stay positive’ can be hard. It is easily said in regular conversations, yet rarely acted upon.

Thinking optimistically can have a large effect on our health, happiness and overall wellbeing, so what does it mean to have a positive mindset?

Firstly, having a positive mindset means to not overthink. Sure, it is good to think of all possible outcomes, but unhealthy to do so excessively.

Overthinking can be the first step to a downfall in mental health therefore it is best to avoid.

To overcome overthinking, think of the situation in a positive manner, and see what you can gain from it, rather than viewing it from a negative light.

Positive thinking may be intertwined with pretending that things are okay, yet positive thinking is what drives us forward in life.

It is to not dwell on failures but see them as an obstacle that you have now overcome! It can be a crucial aspect of work life and studying as well.

Getting back a bad grade in school may seem like the end of the world, but there is always a chance to try again.

Additionally, it is important to recognise that everyone has their own learning curves, and while others are faster are learning certain things, they may be slower at other things.

As a result, it is imperative that one does not compare themselves to others around them – this could lead to a spiral of self hatred which could have detrimental effects on livelihoods.

In conclusion, thinking optimistically will shape your perspective, and may be the key to living life to the fullest!

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