The power of positive thinking

The power of positive thinking

Positive thinking is a thought process, where an individual thinks only positively. In other words, the person does not allow any negative thoughts to enter their mind.

Positive thinking is tremendously powerful and it helps a person get elevated both physically and spiritually. This is a fact. The mind is the supreme executive of the body. It is something beyond the anatomic collection of tissues and cells. The overall consciousness, intellect, and alertness are something more, and that is the mind.

The mind governs the entire consciousness and thought process of a person. It is directly responsible for the thinking, decision-making, and feelings of a person. Indirectly, it governs all body functions by stimulating the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems (responsible for involuntary functions of the body).

Positive thoughts keep the mind relaxed and calm. This improves the decision-making ability of a person. In the face of adversity, one with positive thinking does not get disturbed readily. They try to think of a solution with a cool mind. If spiritually inclined, this person may accept everything as God’s will and wait patiently for the situation to change while carrying out efforts for the same, simultaneously. Whatever happens, they do not get stressed out, hence always remain happy and healthy.

But the attitude of one with a negative mind-set is altogether different. They always think negatively, even before the work has started. Because of negative thoughts, they have many apprehensions and are anxious. Thus, they are unable to focus well on the work at hand. This affects the work, resulting in failure, which generates more anxiety thus creating a vicious cycle. All this affects physical health too.

Every human being consciously or unconsciously influences others. One with positive thoughts shall always influence others positively and gain their admiration and respect.

Thus, one should try to develop positive thinking, though it is not easy as the human mind is unstable, impulsive, and inattentive most of the time. One can try to keep the mind thoughtless, even for a minute, and see how difficult it is. In everyday situations, one should try to look at the positive aspects of various affairs. Regarding colleagues, friends, and family members, an individual should attempt to look for only positive things in them. This attitude will make a person always feel happy and also gain more respect from people around. The relations with others will also be strengthened, which is a requirement for mental relaxation and happiness.

Even if there is a problem, it could have been worse. With a positive mind-set, an individual can solve the problem. Because of positive thoughts, they feel confident that things will change for the better. One with positive thoughts knows that as night is always followed by day, so is the cycle of life. Bad times always change into good times. The adverse situation does change into a favourable one sooner or later.

Being happy about other people’s happiness is also an attitude that helps in improving the positive mentality of an individual. One should attempt to be happy on joyous occasions and achievements of others.

Reading good literature, inspiring stories of courage and valour, and success against odds help develop positive thoughts. Meditation is a very good tool to help a person strengthen their mind and have positive thoughts.

Before sleeping, it is good to do introspection daily. A person can think as to why they were negative and try to correct that.

With these efforts, gradually, one can get rid of negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. Once the mind is full of positive thoughts, a person can realise how confident and powerful they will become.

Focus on keeping the mind plagued with positive thoughts always.

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