4 Shocking Facts You May Have Missed About Your Food

4 Shocking Facts You May Have Missed About Your Food

Do you know every little detail about the food that you are consuming? Here are some facts that will amaze you!

4 Surprising Facts That May Amaze You!

Here are four surprising facts your did not know about the fruits and vegetables that you eat daily.

1. Almonds And Chickpeas

Eating four to five almonds every day can help you get the daily protein requirement. Moreover, almonds and chickpeas both have more protein content than a steak.

2. Bananas For Workout

Eating two bananas can help you stay energised and practice an intense 90 minute workout without any fatigue.

3. Carrots

Eating carrots everyday can help you stay energised and workout and even walk for miles. It is said that carrots were grown for medicinal purposes and not as a vegetable.

4. Apples

The phrase, ‘An apple a day keeps a doctor away.’ An apple not only helps keep your immunity intact but also is a better alternative to coffee. Replace your morning coffee with an apple and witness the difference.

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