Is Dinner at 5 PM the Secret to Better Health? Experts Reveal Benefits, Tips, and More

Is Dinner at 5 PM the Secret to Better Health? Experts Reveal Benefits, Tips, and More

In today’s fast-paced world, where late-night dinners have become the norm, many are questioning the practicality of an early dinner, especially for working individuals juggling a 9 to 5 schedule. However, celebrities like Anushka Sharma are advocating for a surprising solution: dining at 5 PM. Anushka’s early dinner routine began out of convenience for her daughter, Vamika, but it quickly evolved into a lifestyle change that brought unexpected benefits.

To explore the health implications of this shift, we spoke with Dimple Jangda, a celebrity Ayurvedic health coach and gut health expert. Jangda believes that adjusting dinner time can significantly enhance overall well-being. “Eating dinner at 5 PM is probably the best thing you can do for your gut health, skin and hair, mental health, and emotional well-being,” she explains.

Dinner at 5 PM the Secret to Better Health

“When you eat early, you tap into the available digestive juices and metabolic fire which is strong from sunrise to sunset,” Jangda notes.

This timing allows our body to efficiently process food before the natural slowdown of digestive functions that occurs after sunset. Jangda warns, “Any food consumed after sunset ends up staying in our gut all night long, rotting, putrefying and releasing gases.” This can lead to a host of issues, including morning fatigue and digestive discomfort.

Shifting to a 5 PM Dinner Schedule

Jangda suggests taking baby steps to help your family adjust to an earlier dinner time. “If you are eating dinner at 8 pm, advance the dinner time by an hour and start serving dinner at 7pm. Your family will start gathering at the dinner table early. Then after a few days, you can start serving a hot meal at 5pm which allows them to feel more satiated in the late evenings.”

To make the transition easier, Jangda recommends preparing meals in advance around late noon, involving family members in meal prep and setting reminders on everyone’s calendar to establish 5 PM as family time.

Strategies for Sticking to a 5 PM Dinner Time

Even with a busy schedule, Jangda believes it’s possible to maintain a 5 PM dinner time. “Ensure to plan your day ahead of time and prep your meal so you are not feeling stressed about cooking. Keep your dinner menu simple and easy, like clear soup, steamed or blanched vegetables and one single main course dish like rice and daal, biryani, pulao, quinoa, millet upma or ragi dosa.”

For those who work late, Jangda suggests carrying lunch and dinner to work and consuming the dinner meal at the workplace. “When you are back home, you can use the time to spend with your family and have a small bowl of soup or even plant-based milk at bedtime.”

The Ayurvedic Perspective

According to Ayurveda, eating dinner early is a ritual known as dinahcarya, which is our daily routine. “Eating early dinner allows us to sync our clock with mother nature and the ayurvedic energy clock. It helps promote better digestion, metabolism and immunity. Agni, which is our digestive fire, is strongest during the day between sunrise and sunset.”

As Dimple Jangda aptly puts it, this simple change can help us “sync our clock with mother nature and the ayurvedic energy clock.” In a time when many are seeking natural ways to improve their health, the 5 PM dinner might just be the prescription we’ve been looking for.

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