Healthy weight loss: You may want to try this ‘simple yet effective fat-burning drink’

Healthy weight loss: You may want to try this ‘simple yet effective fat-burning drink’

Looking for a light weight loss drink this summer? Try this

The only way to reach your weight loss goals is to stay committed — come rain or heatwave. While a wholesome diet and fitness routine can make all the difference, some drinks can also aid your weight loss efforts while helping you stay hydrated and cool. One such “simple yet effective fat-burning drink recipe” was shared by gut microbiome specialist Shonali Sabherwal, who said this drink is for those looking to eliminate excess fat. “It’s packed with nutrients and easy to prepare,” she added.


1/2 cup – Grated carrot
1/2 cup – Grated radish
1 1/2 cups – Water


*Boil the grated carrot and radish.
*Simmer for 3-4 minutes.

“Enjoy both the vegetables and the broth for a nutritious, fat-burning boost,” said Sabherwal.

According to a study published in the December 2015 issue of Lifestyle Genomics, certain nutrients in carrot juice may help with weight loss. Specifically, researchers have found that vitamin A can help with weight loss by reducing belly fat, especially visceral fat (fatty tissue surrounding vital organs, increasing the risk of cardiometabolic disorders). “Carrots are rich in soluble and insoluble fibre and hence, fit the bill perfectly when it comes to healthy weight loss,” said Shikha Singh, clinical nutritionist, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram.

White radish also helps lose weight as low GI foods like radish, keep control of the blood sugar level, said Singh. “This, in turn, keeps the insulin level balanced in the blood which is necessary for proper fat burning. It is also a low-calorie vegetable that is filling and satisfying,” Singh added.

It is rich in fibre which helps promote regularity and prevent constipation.

The diuretic effect of white radish helps to flush out excess water and toxins from the body. “But it must be noted that this juice is not a miracle fat burner and will not help you lose weight overnight. It is rich in vitamin A, carotenoids, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds that prevent obesity-related complications,” said Singh.

The combination of the two enhances metabolism, said Dr Anjana Kalia, an Ayurvedic expert and nutritionist. “Having juice of carrot and radish once a day can help reduce water retention, which helps enhance weight loss. This juice can be had as a snack in between breakfast and lunch to avoid mid-morning cravings and can be a good source of fibre and water which helps get good skin and keep us full,” Kalia added.

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