5 High-Fibre Breakfast Options For Better Digestive Health

5 High-Fibre Breakfast Options For Better Digestive Health

Healthy Breakfast: It is important to keep your breakfast plate full of necessary nutrients including protein, fibre, minerals and vitamins to stay energised and promote better digestive health. Scroll down to know more.

Healthy Breakfast: The plate of breakfast is known to be the healthiest and most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast replenishes the body with glucose to boost energy levels while providing vital nutrients to the body to function throughout the day. According to WebMD, breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, helping you burn calories throughout the day. It also gives you the energy you need to get things done. Therefore, it is important to keep your breakfast plate full of necessary nutrients including protein, fibre, minerals and vitamins to stay energised and promote better digestive health. Here are some healthy and easy to make breakfast foods to relish and stay healthy.

1. Hearty Oatmeal

Oatmeals are extremely high in essential nutrients and antioxidants called avenanthramides that reduce inflammation and benefit heart health. Making oatmeal a part of your daily diet can lower the risk of several chronic diseases, benefit gut health and keep you fuller for longer hours.

According to WebMD, if you make your oats with milk instead of water, you’ll get a serving of protein as well. You can top it with fresh, frozen, or dried fruit and a sprinkle of chopped nuts or replace some or all of the oats with quinoa, which has 5 grams of fibre per cup, for a trendy take on the standard hot breakfast.

2. Vegetable Sandwiches

Sandwiches infused with vegetables not only promote good health but also keep you satiated for longer hours. They are not only fulfilling but the blend of healthy vegetables satiate the essential nutrient requirements of the body. You can easily make a vegetable sandwich using tomatoes, onions, spinach, lettuce and many more to enjoy flavours along with good health.

3. Eggs

Eggs are a superfood and the most preferred breakfast food. They are an abundant source of vitamins, minerals, folate, iron, folate and carotenoids, which make them an ideal food for every diet. While eggs can be eaten raw, poached or scrambled, consuming boiled eggs can provide maximum health benefits.

4. Smoothies

Smoothies are another convenient breakfast option for your busy mornings. They are high in fibre, protein and healthy fats that promote a healthy digestive system. Smoothies are a popular breakfast choice and keep you fuller for longer periods. The most basic smoothie starts with two essential ingredients, a base and a liquid. From there, you can combine ingredients to your liking.

5. Whole-Grain Pancakes

Consuming pancakes fulfils the requirements of healthy carbs, protein, fibre and other essential nutrients for the body. WebMD suggests topping your pancakes with fresh, sweet fruits instead of sugar syrup. Add a sprinkle of ground flaxseed for a nutty, high-fibre topping, or spread peanut butter on a pancake and roll it up for a portable, filling breakfast.

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