Smart snacking ideas for sustainable weight loss, blood sugar control

Smart snacking ideas for sustainable weight loss, blood sugar control

Snacking can be a healthy part of your diet if you choose the right foods. Here are tips to choose snacks that can help you in your weight loss journey.

There was a time when fad diets were all the rage for weight loss. While such diets worked in short term, they also posed a risk to your well-being over a period of time. Eating only a specific food group or taking limited calories not only leads to nutritional deficiencies but also deplete one’s energy levels. No wonder, wellness enthusiasts are now turning to mindful eating strategies that can help one lose weight sustainably and also promote mental well-being.

People on their weight loss journey usually avoid eating between the meals as snacking could impact their fitness goals and add on to calories. However, as per nutrition experts, healthy snacking can actually be good for you and also help you lose weight. Certain foods with protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals can speed up your weight loss process. Especially, if you are on the go and don’t have time to cook an elaborate meal, certain smart snacking tips can come to your rescue.

“If you’re looking for some clever snacking strategies to help you manage your weight and control your blood sugar levels, I’ve got you covered! Here I’ll share some fantastic tips and tricks that will make snacking a breeze while keeping you on track with your health goals. First things first, let’s debunk the myth that snacking leads to weight gain. Snacking can actually be a healthy part of your diet if you choose the right foods. The key is to opt for snacks that are packed with nutrients and low in added sugars. Think of snacks that are high in fibre, protein, and healthy fats—they’ll keep you feeling satisfied and help stabilize your blood sugar levels,” says Nutritionist Karishma Shah in her recent Instagram post.

Here are healthy snacking tips you must follow:

1. Pair protein and fibre

Opt for snacks that combine protein and fibre to promote satiety and stabilize blood sugar levels. Examples – Greek yoghurt with berries or roasted chickpeas.

2. Mindful portion control

Practice portion control when snacking to prevent excess calorie intake. Pre-portion snacks into small containers or baggies to avoid overeating and mindless snacking.

3. Avoid added sugars

Opt for snacks that are low in added sugars and sweeteners. Read labels carefully and choose whole food-based snacks instead of processed options to minimise added sugar intake.

4. Plan and prepare snacks in advance

Prepare snacks ahead of time to avoid reaching for unhealthy options when hunger strikes. Have pre-cut vegetables, homemade trail mix, or boiled eggs readily available for convenient and nutritious snacking.

5. Listen to your body’s hunger cues

Tune in to your body’s signals of hunger and fullness. Snack when you are genuinely hungry and stop when you feel satisfied.

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