Get more daily exercise with these motivating tips and tricks

These convenient tips will help you get more physical activity into your daily routine.

To exercise or not to exercise? That really is the daily question. While some individuals live active lifestyles, it sometimes becomes a mental battlefield getting the motivation to do so.

The importance of exercise cannot be overstated.Elevating your mood, reducing stress, improving energy, enhancing sleep quality, and reducing your risk for diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many others can be achieved by exercising. Then why can’t it be as simple as watching TV on your couch?

If you follow these tricks, you will get more exercise every day, without going to the gym or doing a hardcore weight workout.

Establish a routine

That’s not really a secret, is it? Creating a regular habit of exercising would be ideal. The tricky part is creating a habit.

A Cue-Routine-Reward system is an effective method for building habits. Researchers at MIT discovered the neurological loop’s power at the core of every habit. Charles Duhigg’s 2012 book, The Power of Habit defines this “habit loop” as having three parts: a cue, a routine and a reward. From waking up earlier to drinking more water, this system can be applied to any habit. and can definitely be used to establish a workout habit.

Imagine going to the gym every morning before work. You would trigger the habit by waking up in the morning and hearing your alarm. Be consistent with the time you choose.

Your routine, the habit or action you want to create and reinforce, would be getting up and putting on your workout clothes. This can help prevent falling asleep and guarantee you show up at the gym since you’re geared up and ready.

Once you finish the routine/exercise, you’ll be compensated. This could be in the form of endorphins as a body reward that can motivate us to do the routine again, or even a tangible reward, such as purchasing yourself new socks after reaching your exercise goals or buying in a new yoga gear after a month of practicing it daily

These three elements will affect each individual differently. To develop a consistent training program, you must experiment with what rewards and cues work best for you.

Start small

Many people assume they must run ragged in the gym to get fitter, but that’s not always the case. It only takes about 30 minutes a day.

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, people should engage in moderate aerobic activity for at least 150 minutes per week, a little more than 20 minutes per day. Strength training that targets the major muscle groups should also be performed at least twice weekly.

A thirty-minute session is an ideal time to start completing your weekly obligations. A low-impact activity can also be a good place to start. Even a brisk walk in the evening will suffice.

Stack your habits

Stacking habits is a way to create small, healthy habits that is popularized by James Clear in his book Atomic Habits. To help you remember to exercise, you “stack” the new behavior (working out) onto an existing practice you already have. As a result, the combo will become habitual.

Try jogging or walking while listening to a podcast each day. Is your morning coffee brewing? Try stretching while you wait. In order to make new fitness habits a part of your daily life, habit stacking can be used in many different ways.

Get active at work

Don’t let your workday be sedentary. Instead of eating all your lunch, go to the gym, run errands or speed walk around the office.

In addition, you can get up and move during one-on-one meetings rather than sitting at a desk. Instead of emailing or Zooming coworkers, talk to them in person whenever possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator, get up to refill your water occasionally.

Engage in exercises that you enjoy

There’s a lot at stake here. Maybe you hate exercising because you don’t enjoy the workouts you do.

There are very few people who enjoy running in circles for hours on end – so don’t do it.

Try out different workouts until you find one that you enjoy. Activities that increase your heart rate include surfing, biking, paddle boarding, yoga, hiking, skiing, rock climbing, kayaking and ice skating. It will require you to step outside of your comfort zone and to be gentle to yourself as you try new things, but it will be worth it when working out no longer feels like a burden.

Watch TV while getting active

Honestly, let’s face it. It’s boring to run on a treadmill, as well a being on a stationary bike. Combined with TV, you can have more fun.

There’s no shame in catching up on your favorite show while hitting the gym. Not only will the entertainment keep your mind off the burn in your legs, but it can push you to stay longer.

Make it social

It doesn’t have to be a solitary activity to exercise. Keeping yourself motivated and accountable is easier when you have a workout partner.

Sign up for a workout class if you don’t have a buddy to join you. The structure of working out in a group can push you to work harder while also introducing you to new people. Feel free to explore the fitness course schedule at your local gym or sign up for a boxing, dance or yoga class.

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