5 tips to avoid holiday halitosis and ensure a healthy smile all year

Good breath is important around the holidays, but good oral hygiene is important year-round. According to studies by the Oral Health Foundation, bad breath is often linked to foods high in sugar and acid — ingredients common in holiday favorite recipes!

“Knowing you have fresh breath and a dazzling smile can boost confidence to be ready for the upcoming party season or any social situation,” said Dr. Jeferson Santos, a restorative dentist at Eco-Friendly Dentistry.

Dr. Santos understands that sometimes it’s hard to say no to all the appetizing treats on the buffet table or at the bar, but moderation is key. Here are his six tips to improve your breath and smile, so you’re not left solo under the mistletoe and stay kissable all year long.

Dr. Santos recommends these easy-to-follow tips for great oral health:

1. Brush three times a day: Most people are great about brushing in the morning and before bed but skip out on the afternoon session. Consider packing a travel toothbrush  for that after-lunchtime trip to the restroom.

2. Drink plenty of water: Good old-fashioned H2O does wonders for the body, including the mouth! Staying hydrated helps to reduce bacteria that cause tooth decay and bad breath.

3. Eat fruit: Consider adding oranges, melons, or berries to your diet. They are high in vitamins such as A, B, C, and E which help to prevent gingivitis and gum disease.

4. Cut alcohol consumption: Alcohol increases dry mouth resulting in more cavity-causing bacteria. Cut back on the strong drinks and try a no-alcohol mouth rinse, which uses the power of oxygen to target and eliminate bad breath-causing bacteria.

5. Avoid e-cigarettes and smoking: Nicotine is responsible for a number of oral health issues, including bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease, and significantly heightens the risk of periodontal disease by increasing the pocket depth of the gums.

Don’t pack your good oral hygiene habits away with the tinsel. Remember, Valentine’s Day is less than two months away!

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