Nine effective tips to sharpen your memory

Whether you are a student, a working professional, a housewife or a senior citizen – “everyone wants and needs to have a good memory”, nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee said

Having a good memory helps ease our work, perform well in studies, and overall functioning, in general. But, having a few moments of forgetfulness, here and there, is not uncommon. “While this can be a completely normal occurrence, having poor memory can be quite frustrating,” nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee said, adding that whether you are a student, a working professional, a housewife, or a senior citizen – “everyone wants and needs to have a good memory”.

So, how can you sharpen your memory and not let forgetfulness disrupt your day-to-day functioning? While almonds are known to boost memory, Mukerjee suggested nine other ways that can help you achieve optimum memory. Take a look.

Mental exercise

The expert suggested indulging in mental exercises like puzzles, reading, learning a new language or trivia as “they can be helpful in increasing and maintaining mental activity and agility”.

Agreeing, Dr Vipul Gupta, Chief – Neuro interventional Surgery and Co-Chief Stroke Unit, Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, said, “Challenging the brain with mental exercises or puzzles like solving the Rubik’s cube can lead to excellent cognitive results.”

A good night’s sleep

The importance of sleeping well to keep your mental and physical health in check cannot be emphasised more. “During sleep, the brain processes, stores and consolidates information. Hence, it’s vital to get 7-8 hours of restful sleep in a day,” she said.

Dr Gupta added that quality sleep is one of the most essential things in order for the brain to function properly and efficiently.

Passion and involvement

Mukerjee explained that our passion and involvement have a direct effect on mental sharpness. “When we are passionate about something, we dedicate a larger extent of our energy and time to its mastery. This repeated exposure hard wires our brain in a way that makes it sharp,” she said.

Eat healthy

What you eat has a direct effect on the health of your brain. As such, “consume a balanced diet of antioxidant-rich fresh fruits and vegetables, omega-3 fat induced foods and fibrous grains”.

“Quality protein, vital fatty acids, complex carbs, vitamins, and minerals are all components of a balanced diet for the brain. As part of your everyday diet, consume fresh fruits and vegetables, almonds, fish for omega-3 fatty acids, chocolate, and olive oil,” Dr Gupta added.

Restrict alcohol

In addition to harming your physical health, alcohol, when consumed in excess, kills your brain cells and reduces alertness and memory.

Practise meditation

Meditation and yoga are known to have a positive destressing effect on the mind. They help “improve concentration and boost memory”.

Avoid stress

The expert said that prolonged and chronic stress, whether physical or physiological, can be disastrous for our memory. “Hence, we can overcome stress by choosing not to react dramatically, being more organised and disciplined in life.”

Avoid substance abuse

“Memory is adversely affected by habit forming and addictive vices such as alcohol, tobacco consumption and taking drugs,” Mukerjee said.

Agreeing, Dr Gupta said, “Abuse of drugs or alcohol also affects neurogenesis, the process of regenerating new neurons or brain cells.”

Avoid junk and fast foods

In addition to harming you physically, junk food, and fried and trans-fat-rich foods can adversely affect your memory. It is because they are deprived of essential nutrients.

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