10 tips to keep you feeling positive when it’s cold and dark

We all know that feeling on a Sunday evening: the sinking feeling that you’ve got a full week of work ahead after what was an chilled, fun-packed weekend.

Beginning a new week can be daunting, what with thinking about everything you need to get done and the overwhelming feeling of a full week of work.

If you’re struggling on this Monday morning, we’ve put together the best ways to keep yourself feeling motivated and positive on the first day of the week.

Start your day right

Firstly, as soon as that alarm goes off and you’re out of bed, make your bed.

This way you’ve already achieved something with your day and you haven’t even left the bedroom yet.

Give yourself time

Instead of having a manic, rushed morning getting everything ready in time to leave for work, give yourself plenty of time.

Even if that means setting your alarm a little earlier than usual, giving yourself some extra time will help you feel more relaxed without that rushed feeling first thing.

Eat a healthy breakfast

Eating something healthy helps start your week off right, especially if you’ve had a bit of a heavy weekend.

Have some berries with yoghurt or some sugar-free pancakes, and be sure to make your coffee too.

Work out

It might be the last thing you want to do on a Monday but exercising even just for 15 minutes will kick start your week.

Exercising will also help to release those endorphins, providing a positive feeling through the body.

Put music on

Listening to music first thing in the morning is a great way to wake you up and also put you in a relaxing and happy mood.

Put on your favourite artist or band and dance away in the kitchen as you make your breakfast.

Enjoy your favourite lunch

If that’s buying your favourite sandwich from M&S or making your favourite meal, treat yourself to a lunch you can look forward to eating.

A healthy lunch is recommended but if you want to treat yourself to that chocolate brownie or your favourite chocolate bar, do it, it is Monday after all.

Plan something exciting

Mondays don’t have to be boring or dull. Plan something fun to do after work that will motivate you through the day.

Going out for dinner with friends, watching a film at the cinema, a date night or having a peaceful bath, whatever it is choose something you can look forward to doing after work

Make a list

Write down everything you want to achieve in the week, this could be work-wise or jobs you want to get done around the house.

Don’t put too many on that aren’t manageable, but writing them down allows them to leave your head, giving you a clearer frame of mind for the start of the week.

Plus it’s always enjoyable ticking them off as you get them done.

Even with a to-do list in tow, don’t put pressure on yourself to get everything done on a Monday.

Get some fresh air

If you’re working from home or you’re in the office, make sure you grab some fresh air during your lunch break.

Fresh air will help clear your mind and will help boost your mood. Take a small walk after work or go for a run, ticking off two tasks in one.

Stay hydrated

Keep drinking lots of water throughout the day. This may seem obvious but many people forget to drink enough when busy at work.

Keep a bottle of water by your desk to monitor how much you drink through the day, top-up as you can and be sure you drink enough.

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