5 fitness tips from a pro coach to get you lifelong results

It’s actually quite straightforward.

Pro coach to the stars, Cameron Falloon shares his tips to up your fitness game.

With so many fads and trends in the fitness industry, it can be hard to navigate which ones are worth following and which ones are just noise.

While there is a fair bit of science behind how elite athletes train, it doesn’t need to be overly complicated when applying it to the everyday punter. Keeping fit and healthy should be a priority, but it certainly shouldn’t consume your life.

In my earlier career, I spent years training elite AFL and soccer teams before launching BFT, and to be honest, the training principals which I have applied from one to the other haven’t changed. The biggest change has been the addition of technology to help track output and of course, make it easier for clients to know what comes next in the workout.

With that in mind, here are my top 5 fitness tips:

Progress your workouts

A few years ago it was all about HIIT training and the “go hard, go home” mentality. While HIIT training is great, as is having a strong mindset, if you actually train that way every day, you are going to burn out or get injured – it’s just not sustainable.

Elite athlete don’t go hard out in every session, but rather have scheduled rest and recovery sessions, mixed in with weights and cardio training.

We use the same principles at BFT, with 13 different styles of class, programmed in 6-8 week blocks. These training blocks use scientific principals of periodisation and progressive overload to get results. Working through cardio, strength, power, mobility and changing the stimulus from day to day. We also don’t have sessions on Sundays – factoring in rest and recovery!

Train every system and train every muscle fibre

Ask any trainer, and they will tell you that there is no shortage of clients coming to them asking to just train their legs, or help them build a six pack. It really doesn’t work that way. You need to work your whole body to stay balanced and for life long health.

When training, make sure you program is hitting every energy system, every muscle fibre and that you are moving through all of the body’s natural fascial planes to ensure your body is balanced, your strength and cardiovascular fitness improves. Training your body evenly will also reduce your chance of getting injured.

Be consistent with the basics

It might sound really easy and simple, but consistency is where the change happens.

After a series of surgeries last year due to pushing myself too hard, I have made this my resolution. Therefore, my goal is to be consistent with the basic things that I need to do to keep myself in check. It might be a walk by myself for my mental health, make sure I exercise every day even if I am not going hard in every session, make sure I spend quality time with may wife and kids.

It is easy to get caught up in being busy, but making sure you look after yourself, especially if you are starting to feel run down is important or you may end up in hospital like me

Make it fun

If it’s not fun, you won’t continue to do it. Find exercise that you enjoy doing – it might be team sport, group training with your mates or solo training like swimming. Whatever it is, make exercise enjoyable!

Track your progress

Results are addictive, so make sure you are tracking your progress! Whether it’s body scans, tracking your run speed, your recovery levels – seeing progress is addictive and will help you stay consistent and accountable.

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