Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Busy Students

Sometimes it seems that a modern student simply does not have the opportunity to be in shape. Proper nutrition is often abandoned in favor of fast food on the run, there is no time left for exercise, and the microwave becomes the most important appliance in the kitchen. But in fact, everyone can lead a healthy lifestyle. The main thing is proper planning and discipline. And we know exactly what you need to do.

Start Your Day With H2O

For many of us, the morning begins with a rush and panic. What if I’m late? What if I didn’t prepare well for the exam? In all this bustle, the minimum that you can do for yourself is to start the morning with a glass of water. Better keep a bottle of water by your bed. The first sip of water will help hydrate your cells and wake you up.

And here’s another recommendation for a beautiful morning. When you realize that all your tasks are under control, you are definitely calmer, right? More and more students begin to appreciate outsourcing since the amount of homework increases with each semester, and there is no free time to do all the assignments.

Don’t Drink Coffee On An Empty Stomach

Running to the nearest coffee shop and hopping on the bus sounds familiar, doesn’t it? But it’s absolutely terrible for your body. Why? Coffee on an empty stomach leads to heartburn, irritates the mucous membranes, and stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. When there is no food inside the stomach to digest, the acid destroys the stomach lining, literally digesting itself.

If you are a big coffee fan, be aware that drinking too much overloads the liver, dehydrates the body, and raises blood sugar levels. Also, too much caffeine can cause difficulty sleeping and increased heart rate. So be careful with this drink.
Don’t Ignore Breakfast

Many people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy, nutritious breakfast provides you with energy and all the necessary substances until lunch. Isn’t it an amazing way to start a productive day and avoid overeating too? Indeed, if your body gets all the nutrients in the morning, you are more likely to eat fewer calories throughout the day. Here are a few ideas of what you can cook – these dishes won’t take you much time:

  • Omelet with ham and cheese
  • Oatmeal with banana and raisins
  • Toast with hummus and tomatoes
  • Fruit salad
  • Baked apple with cinnamon.

Eat More Fish

A stressful lifestyle means that your brain is constantly working, so you should eat something that improves its performance. Fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the neuronal structure and thus, result in better academic performance. Start eating salmon, mackerel, and tuna, and you will hardly imagine a day without them.
Plan Your Diet

You probably plan your classes and test prep in advance, so thinking through your diet shouldn’t be a hard task either. First, you’ll notice that you’ll eat healthier. Second, you’ll reduce expenses. As research says, consumers spend 40% more when they shop without a list. So, it is worth writing down what you plan to cook over the next few days or weeks and making a shopping list accordingly.

Use a Pressure Cooker

Students rarely have time to cook, but a pressure cooker can save the day. You can simply put all the ingredients in it in the morning, and in the evening, you’ll be just in time for a delicious, freshly-cooked dinner. Also, note that in this appliance, the cooking process takes place at a low temperature which doesn’t destroy vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Rethink Your Eating Habits

Nutritionists recommend cooking in the following way: half the plate is fresh vegetables, a quarter is a side dish, and another quarter is a protein (meat, cottage cheese, eggs, or fish). Also, try to give up eating sauces and sugars. It will be hard at first, but each habit can be developed (some say you need three weeks for that).

Get Regular Medical Checkups

Don’t ignore visits to the doctor at least once a year. This way, you will notice diseases at a time when they are easier to cure. To save time, try searching for a clinic where you can get a complete examination in one visit.

Spend Time In The Sun, But Don’t Forget SPF

Sunlight is a way to boost your body’s production of vitamin D, which strengthens bones and helps fight depression. But always remember about SPF cream. Use it every day, even when it’s cloudy. Ultraviolet radiation reaches us even when the whole sky is covered with clouds. Sunscreens are necessary to prevent not only wrinkles but oncological diseases, too.


Just a few minutes of meditation have tons of benefits for mental health and the immune system. Anxiety and everyday rush cause insomnia, and meditation help reduce stress levels. Do it 10 minutes a day, and you’ll see the difference. In addition, meditation promotes weight loss and lowers blood pressure. Why not create a magic corner in your dorm with plants, candles, and crystals? In the crazy rhythm of modern life, it is сrucial to find time for peace and tranquility.

Try To Move More

Many believe that exercising in the gym is the only way to stay in good physical shape. But this is not true. In fact, all movement is useful. For example, you can dance while waiting for your tea to get ready, do yoga while listening to an online lecture, or take a walk while calling your parents. Combining business with pleasure, you can greatly help your body.

Work On Your Posture

Incorrect posture means lower back pain and fatigue. In addition, stooping can cause pain in the cervical spine and shoulders. Students spend plenty of time sitting at their desks, and here’s a simple tip. Try setting a reminder on your phone to do a quick posture check and take a critical look at yourself.

To Wrap It Up

Finally, we want to share some more tips on how to maintain mental health in these crazy times. The first one is journaling. In your diary, you can be one hundred percent honest about what is happening in your life. Feel free to splash out all the emotions, share fears, and whatever you want. After all, many diseases are psychosomatic in nature and are the result of unspoken pain, etc.

Second, find time to read: maybe you can do it on your commutes or while standing in line. Books are excellent for your nervous system as they can shift your focus.

And third, drink green tea. It is rich in antioxidants that speed up metabolism and increase calorie burning. All in all, following all these tips, you will always be in excellent physical shape and an amazing mood!

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