7 tasty foods that are good for your vision and keep your eyes healthy

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), what’s good for your eyes is also great for your heart.

Whether it’s happening because you are ageing or because you have deficiencies, failing eyesight and eye infections can become very difficult to manage. Eyes are very sensitive, and everything from bad hygiene to ultraviolet rays can irritate and affect them. The best way to protect your eyes from damage naturally is to limit exposure to blue light and maintain a diet that is rich in foods that are well-known to improve vision.

Such a diet is not that difficult to maintain, because according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), what’s good for your eyes is also great for your heart. This is because the eyes rely on small arteries for oxygen and nutrients, while the heart relies on larger arteries for the same. So, keeping your arteries healthy is the best way to maintain good eye health and improve your vision. Keep in minds though, that if you already have an eye condition, these foods won’t be able to fix it.

The following foods are packed with all the nutrients you need to be able to maintain good eyesight.

1. Carrots

We’re sure this piece of wisdom has already been passed onto you by your elders but here is the science. The retinas of your eyes need plenty of vitamin A to convert light rays into colours and images, and it also helps your eyes stay moist enough to avoid dry eye. Carrots are packed with vitamin A, and also have substantial amounts of vitamins C and B6.

2. Citrus fruits

Vitamin C doesn’t just protect your body from damage caused by free radicals but also helps the repair and growth of new tissues and cells. Citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit and lemon are rich in vitamin C. Other fruits, like peaches, red bell peppers and tomatoes are also packed with vitamin C.

3. Nuts and seeds

Almost all nuts and seeds are packed with vitamins A and E, and also have a high concentration of antioxidants. Almonds, peanuts and sunflower seeds are exceptionally rich in vitamin E and can help improve your vision.

4. Fish

Most fish varieties are rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamins and minerals. According to a study published in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science in 2014, eating cold-water fish varieties, like salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut and trout can improve your eyesight and also prevent macular degeneration.

5. Green leafy vegetables

Antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin can prevent macular degeneration and improve your eyesight. Green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, lettuce, broccoli and peas are packed with these antioxidants as well as vitamins A, C, K and folate and minerals like iron and calcium.

6. Eggs

Eggs aren’t just rich in vitamins A, D, B6 and B12, but also have substantial amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin. What’s more, eggs are also packed with omega-3 fatty acids. So, when it comes to vision improvement, eggs are quite the superfood.

7. Kidney beans

The combination of zinc and copper is vital for your eyes because the former can protect your eyes from damage from light and ultraviolet rays, and the latter helps produce and circulate red blood cells through the arteries. Kidney beans (as well as other bean varieties like lima beans and black-eyed peas) are rich in both, as well as protein, B vitamins and other minerals.

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